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방탄소년단 - 전하지 못한

Yoongi's 7 sins shadows

Artists Lust uyubean/ Sloth yutyutrasheu/ Pride lilmoongles/ Envy smallnooglecup/ Warth ourdawnisday/ Gluttony luzagne/ Greed smallyingg


This is a project that will be continued. If you would like to see the process video please head over to my instagram smallyingg. The purpose of this theme of memes if just to make everyone happy. When drawing these it makes me happy and that is the main reason I draw them. The second purpose is then to entertain my followers and everyone looking at these drawings:)

February Jungkook

based on 2020 season's greetings calendar 

The rest of the months will also be drawn. I will also complete January's image ASAP.

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